Yes I have to be at this info session. Am coming live and coloured.

On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Felix Nartey <> wrote:

Good Morning,

I wish to draw your attention to an info session that will be happening this Saturday 28th June, 2014.

This will be a training for all members on how to do basic and  immense edits. If you are on this mailing list and have problems with editing  or you do not understand some markups or even how to use some tools, Saturday is the day for you.

Venue : Kofi Annan ICT Center

Time : 2pm sharp

I hope you aware that edits are the only measure for scholarships and opportunities as a Wikimedian. We have a lot in stock for you plus some goodies and news from Wiki Indaba☺

You dont wanna miss this!


Excuse brevity and typing errors, sent from my phone.

Excuse brevity Sent from mobile