Please, all should endeavour to declare their edits by 12:00 midnight Sunday 25 August. The agreement was 3 edits per week.

You are all reminded this week to recruit a female each. 1. Tell her about us 2. Tell her 80+ editors are all males so she is needed. 3. Tell her she can focus on articles of her areas of interest from technology to make up. 4.When she says yes, help her create an account by giving her this link first: .

Rexford and I will focus on the Cookbook now that we have some images and also focus on the grant report.

Please this week if you are ushered out, there will be no consideration :D

Also remember to put up your Wikipedia stickers where others can see and ask questions. Your forehead will do if you don't have a laptop :D

Have a good evening. | Planning Wikimedia Ghana | Tei Ink | Tei Ink Press