Sure Enock. I am totally stepping away from the soc. med. pages for you now. Bug Nii Abbey, there are sh*t loads of things Nii can teach you about soc. med. believe me. 

Some day, you will be glad you rendered your service to the community. When I sat in front of Tullow/BC panel at the second stage of the scholarship interviews, volunteering for PWMGH sealed my delivery. It made me realise that the 'big' people up there wanting to invest in people don't have time for those who do things for themselves only. They want people that touch others in clear way with results.

I won't get emotional here, maybe one on one we can talk. But shine Enock, shine. It can get tiring here at PWMGH but I know it will get better one day and people will actually wrestle to post on the page with you :D

Sandister Tei

--- | Planning Wikimedia Ghana | Tei Ink | Tei Ink Press

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Enock Seth Nyamador <> wrote:
Noted please, Sandister.

Declare edits. Ok.

Enock Seth Nyamador.


| Wikimedian
Planning Wikimedia Ghana | | Blog
: +233 (0)27 565 7589
On 09/09/2013 03:37 PM, Sandister Tei wrote:
Hello all

I was at the Chale Wote 2013 festival, I have created an article and Enock made some useful edits to it. This will be the second article created for a commercial entity by me/us, with the Be Bold Show being the first. 

The Be Bold team (I met them at the festival coincidentally) and Chale Wote peeps are thinking about bringing team members to us for training so they can learn to edit and update the articles. If it happens, praise the Lord.

On other matters I hope fellow 7 other editors are doing your duties to Ghanaian articles. It is why we are here. It is not by force please. I can't stress this enough. I don't want us to become an over-hyped community that does nothing really. I want us to have measurable results in our hands. 

National Volunteering Day (correct me) is coming up. I see people promoting volunteerism all over the place. It will be hypocrisy for us as volunteers for Ghanaian information online to be sharing the posters on our walls without engaging people on the topic of Wikipedia and how it is kept going by volunteers like us. 

Enock, you should have an idea of what you should be talking about on soc. med. by now with 21 around the corner. We need to use the opportunity to encourage people to edit Wikipedia. And please come up with stronger strategies. Nonetheless thank you for the posts, you take volunteering to another level.

Rex, I will forward the t&t expenses soon ok? The chilling has made tired.

Please declare your edits.

Sandister Tei


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