Would love to help you on tour. I am in to photography.

On Wednesday, September 2, 2015 10:30 AM, Gennie Gebhart <gegebhart@gmail.com> wrote:

Good evening everyone,

Thank you, Mohammed, for the introduction (and for coming to meet at the University of Ghana yesterday). And thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Like Mohammed said, I am an American graduate student at the University of Washington, and I am in Ghana for about a month doing research on Internet.org and Wikipedia Zero.

My research is focused on how Ghanaian mobile users interact with Internet.org and Wikipedia Zero. This includes how people think about them and the Internet in general; why people use (or do not use) them; and if/how the they affect how people purchase data (e.g. deciding on carriers and SIM cards, choosing a data plan vs. pay-as-you-go, deciding how much data to buy, etc.).

Beyond those questions, though, I am most interested in hearing what you in the Wikimedian community think is most important about Internet.org and Wikipedia Zero. What are their greatest benefits, and biggest problems? How do you think they are serving different people and communities in Ghana? What do they mean for the future of the Internet in Ghana and internationally?

Any feedback you can give me will be immensely valuable. You can email me directly, or just respond to the listserv and we can get a discussion started.

Thank you in advance!


Gennie Gebhart
MLIS Candidate, 2016
University of Washington Information School
Twitter: @gegebhart | LinkedIn | Skype: genniegebhart

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 10:02 PM, Celestine Sucess <celestinesucess@gmail.com> wrote:
Welcome Gennie
On Sep 1, 2015 10:00 PM, "Ray" <rayopk@gmail.com> wrote:
Welcome Gennie.

masssly@ymail.com wrote:

Gennie is a researcher interested in the Open Internet, more specifically Net Neutrality and Zero Ratings. Her research promises to provide interesting insights concerning the use and extent of Internet.Org and Wikipedia Zero in Ghana. This would go a long way to answer some of the pertinent questions we’ve been asking about them.
Also, she and her team are touring the country to visit interesting places, and as you’d expect - they’ll be taking loads of pictures : ) which I promised we can help upload onto commons.
Let us welcome her to this mailing list.
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