Preamble: This message applies to all in this mailing list community. Newbies have joined this mailing since it was started, and I hope to use this email to discuss about the part the mailing list plays in our day to day WMGH activities and discussions.

History: One of the executives of this planning wikimedia ghana requested for the creation of this mailing list. Someone called TheHelpfulOne who was (and perhaps is still) one of the administrator of the global mailing lists of Wikimedia created this mailing list. He was an admin of this list for sometime, but he has left the administratorship of it for us now. The mailing list are not a third party application in the sense that it is directly by the WMF in California.

Overview: A mailing list is like a shared email address: messages sent to that address are distributed to all members ("subscribers") of the list. All discussion related to a group or community is put through. Since everyone who is interested in the community is subscribed on the wire, the messages get directly in the emails, allowing everyone to participate anytime anyday without their having to regularly check for feeds or updates anywhere. It is regarded the easiest and a more efficient way of reaching community members in a group and inviting participation. And for this the WMGH team are doing pretty good at that.

As a quote:

Almost all mailing lists archive their posts and you can view these archives online by clicking the link on the main list information page. For most public lists, the posts in the web-based archives are indexed by search engines such as Google - to search the archives, you can restrict your search by server name (add or by the directory containing a particular list's archive (<list name>, e.g. ...[all lists were moved to a domain in January 2007; however, depending on each search engine, searching the prior domain (either "" or "") may work better]

Some of the mailing lists are occasionally summarized at the List Summary Service page.

Top posters can be found at Wikimedia Mail Stats: index

Though there are other means of communicating to community members such us in the IRC, or talk pages, the mailing list happens to be the de facto and quicker way of sharing ideas, discussing about progress of the community, and even discussing about articles.

For articles discussions, they are best left on the respective talk pages of the articles. However, relaying such information to the mailing list won't be a bad idea to. This is because not everyone checks the Talk Pages regularly, however, the email inbox is checked several times a day.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What Can i send to this mailing list?
Every mailing list has a particular reason for its existence. Know the purpose and post what's relevant to the group. Posting a Media Wiki server related issue in the Wikipedia Mailing list is considered a spam to some extent, because in that community or mailing list, such a message is unwanted.

Can I advertise in the mailing list?
Never try that! You'll likely be removed from the list as soon as possible should you post ads. The messages reach emails directly, so ads in community discussion is hated.

No one has responded to my message, why?
If your message demanded participation but no one has responded, DO NOT repeatedly post the message or reframe it. At the right time, it will be responded. If it is not, It might be for reasons like:
  1. No one has idea about your question or message.
  2. Its not relevant to the community
  3. Your message does not demand participation but its just information of which the readers are free to apply or decline.
Who do messages in the mailing list apply to?
Any message you send to the mailing list applies to EVERYONE in the list UNLESS you explicitly specify by NAME or THING that this or that part of the text or message should apply to him or her or that. Explicit emails are mostly responded to and gains participation.

What can't I do in the mailing list?
Adhere strictly to the Etiquette explained. Try to keep personal stuffs away from the mailing list. And remember: Treat others as you would have them treat you—even if they are new. We were all new once. Treat everyone equally. Irrespective of how new or old you or someone has been in the mailing list, try to ensure equal right and respect.

Can I discuss personal issues in the mailing list?
No! Please keep them personal by contacting the respective person. However, if you strongly feel it's of importance to other community members, you are good to do so, but remember to Adhere strictly to the Etiquette explained.

Conclusion: Using other websites to log or store discussions about activities related to WMGH apart from the Meta, Talk Pages, or Mailing List, is not wrong and is allowed. However, its important to at least, pass such information through the mailing list or document on the Meta to ensure longevity and easy accessibility. In addition, a few Wikimedia Foundation representatives are also on this mailing list (or wire) listening in and adding their voices accordingly as and when needed. Holding our discussions OFF the mailing means these ones must follow us there. The mailing list is a one stop shop for all conversations and makes the lives of all subscribers easier by delivering discussions right to their doorsteps without them having to go the extra mile. 

You are not prohibited to use other platforms to discuss or share information about this community. However, as much as possible, lets all work towards ensuring what deserves to be in the mailing list are kept rightly to prevent fragmentation of discussions or record keeping. 

Forgive me if I left a point out. You are free to add up to this thread. 

Rupert, please do you have any to add?

Rexford | Africa Center | WiR | WikiAfrica | User:Nkansahrexford