So Mohammed Jaward (I hope I got the name  right) randomly offered to join me for the Theodosia Okoh article. He made his first edit in the weekend. I see a Seth Nyamador in the making. lol.

Mo, well done. A first edit is not easy I remember. But you wanted it and you did it. Let's discuss how to get your Wikimania bag to you in Tamale.

Also Mo, check the list below to see if you understand these words. People confuse it all the time and as a Wikipedian/Wikimedian you should be able to offer clarification.

Wiki= a form of social media, a site that you can update. Eg Wikipedia
Wikipedia= Wiki used like an Encyclopedia online that is constantly updated
Wikipedian= The volunteer that updates Wikipedia
Wikimedia= The organisation that owns Wikipedia & unites Wikipedians and owns other wikis (not WikiLeaks)
Wikimedian=A contributor to Wikimedia wikis including Wikipedia
Wikimania=A place for you to meet other Wikimedians
Planning Wikimedia Ghana= A group of Wikipedians & Wikimedians who want you to join them.

Sandister Tei

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