Hello all,


Currently there are two local Wikipedias related to the Akan language, namely, tw.wikipedia.org (Twi) and ak.wikipedia.org (Akan)


In Telegram (the African Wikimedia group), we’ve been having discussions on going forward with both wikipedias. It is clear one of them needs to be dropped. Which to drop, we to an extent agree it should be the ak.wikipedia.org, and the tw.wikipedia.org maintained.


First of all, is that a good step? Any objection(s) to that?


The goal, if I understand clearly, of going forward with only one means having a streamlined effort in editing. Managing a Wikipedia language space is not easy, let alone two, and with the limited number of hands on deck for the local language, a single point of contribution appears much more worthwhile.


There are articles on both wikipedias at the moment, when the tw.wikipedia.org is the choice going forward (assuming there’s no objection), the next step would be to merge the few articles on ak.wikipedia.org into the tw.wikipedia.org


When all of that is copied over and merged, we can put in a word to ask for the ak.wikipedia.org can be shutdown (If that’s possible. I guess it is)


The above sounds like the way forward? Any thoughts?