Interesting positions there.

Already got and email from a volunteer taking up a position. When I receive these messages, what do I do with them?

Oh I have an idea, they'll be in this spreadsheet. Already shared with sandister.

Can't wait to see the all positions filled and executed accordingly!


On Tuesday, July 5, 2016, Sandister Tei <> wrote:


I had a look at your survey answers on how you want the group to help you enjoy your participation.

Thank you for the volunteering positions you suggested.

Below are some ideas. If you are interested in volunteering, please send your names and preferred position to Rexford ( cc mailing list. Also post your interest in the Whatsapp group.

Here we go:

–– Social Media Volunteer

To manage our social media

–– Editing Assistance Volunteer(s)

I think I will even volunteer here myself. We will be the ‘helpers’ . Anyone that asks for help in the mailing list or WhatsApp group we’ll reach out to them. We will also point people to resources like the Tea House, the real-time help desk etc

–– Finance Volunteer

For our user group level, we can’t have a Finance Volunteer because in the community, for credibility and accountability reasons, the foundation usually let people who apply for grants be responsible for the grants.

Eg If Ato applies for a grant for a project on behalf of the group, he’ll have to account for it. It’s between him and WMF.

–– Events Volunteer(s)

To coordinate events

–– Partnerships Volunteer 

Person must be a Barcamper and should be ready to engage iSpace, Impact Hub and other hubs

–– Partnerships Volunteer(s) (Tertiary)

Volunteers must be a students and should be ready to engage schools to set up clubs etc

–– Wikipedia Education Program Research & Implementation Volunteer

To research and help group implement outcomes. The person must have an interest and experience in school systems in Ghana

–– Gender & Diversity Research & Implementation Volunteer

Are there PWDs in our group? Have we made an effort to include them? Can they attend our meetings with ease? Are Ghanaian women editing enough and easily? Have we inadvertently excluded or created some minority groups in the way we do things? We need someone to help us answer these questions and fix (or try to fix) the issues.

–– Global Volunteer

Keep an eye on the global community and help us catch up with trends and conversations.

Please all volunteers will do their own secretarial work and report writing.

Please note that it is volunteer positions and doesn’t give salaries. BUT we will agree on travel and participation support including internet and other things for you through WMF and local sponsorship.

If anyone has any comments let me know or disagreements let me know.

Please we are voting Friday-Sunday. If you are interested in a position, start campaigning :D

Sandister Tei