Keep up the good work Felix and team.

- Ato.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Nkansah Rexford <> wrote:

I just love how things are moving. Good work Felix. Well done.

I'm on standby should you need assistance.


On Sep 30, 2014 5:12 PM, "Felix Nartey" <> wrote:
Good Afternoon All,

I wish to inform the community that myself and two other members ( Enock and Raphael) of this community have requested for a grant that will enable us organize activities and events that will help both new and old members find their feet in the community.

The project will also focus on getting your maximum participation and to help the community build some more edits. We hope to be one of the best Wikimedia communities and we can only achieve that through edits on Wikimedia projects.

Find the grant page here, endorse if you support the initiative and involve yourself by joining in as a volunteer telling us what you can do on the project.

The 1st phase of the project which is supported by the Wikimedia UK will take off this Saturday at the Ispace, it will mainly include training on the various Wikimedia projects, planning for the future of the community and gaining some real time edits.

Kindly register via the link below if you wish to participate in the event:

Kind regards,
Felix Nartey | DSE CAL Bank Ltd. | Co-manager GBG TEMA | Community Manager WMGHAbout me | +233 242 844987 Check out!!


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