That's I guess the report should be worked on so we can get someone to represent us at the Conference.

Thank you

On 28 Nov 2016 11:05, "Sandister Tei" <> wrote:
We became a usergroup in 2014 I think hence there's no past 'couple of years' but just 2015 in which Felix went.

This was what he sent to the group. There was no group discussion necessarily. 


Good Afternoon Guys,

I wish to inform you that am looking at representing the community here in Ghana at the Wikimedia Conference 2015 in Berlin.

I received the mail below from Alex Wang concerning the conference and a pre-conference they wish to host for PEG Program Leaders. I have filled the form and wish to inform you all that i will be glad to represent you all at the conference in my capacity as the community manager and in my bid to seek the wellness of this community.

I have been working hard to get this community up to standing and vibrant. One of the selection criteria i noticed was events organised and recent activity level which we currently are in check. 

I am enthused about the event and pretty sure it will be an avenue to discuss and suggest ways to shape this community. Let me know what you all think!



Then nearing his departure he sent this


Greetings all,

I am pleased to announce that next week Tuesday the 12th May, 2015 i will be departing from Ghana to represent the community at the upcoming WMCON 15 in Berlin scheduled for 15th - 17th May, 2015.

The purpose of this gathering is for the leaders of the various affiliations to meet discuss community problems and challenges and find possible ways to address such issues. Also discussion on the way forward for the movement and other crucial matters are addressed.

We humbly ask that you share your problems as a Wikimedian or on any other thing that you think is just not right in this community or the movement. We will be glad if you can share all your sentiments through this form -

Best regards,


I have started with the report so we meet eligibility. We already have an informal list of all we have been up to. I started moving them yesterday. Expect an update.

Sandister Tei 
Video Journalist | Head of Social Media – Citi FM | Rep – Wikipedian Community (Gh)

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Nkansah Rexford <> wrote:
Thanks, Asaf,

That means the User Group has been doing it wrong for a couple of years, and individuals who've represented this community at the WMCon weren't picked by the community if I remember clear.

On the other hand, the WMCon team hasn't ensured those picked by the community were represented.

I guess I have to blame myself. Yesterday was my first time going to the WMCon website to read what's there, like *actually* read it.

@Felix, tried doing some searches, you represented Ghana twice at WMCon in the past, right?
Did you know of this arrangement of selection for attendees to the WMCon previously?

Oh well, let's discuss who goes this year then.

@Sandister, you'll start a new thread for that? When should the discussion begin? And the report, let's get in touch to see how to proceed. Two days left for us.


On Monday, November 28, 2016, Asaf Bartov <> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 6:08 AM Nkansah Rexford <> wrote:
There should be a discussion of who should go? What if who we pick to go isn't accepted to attend? Isn't the thing open to apply then whoever is picked go?

No, it's not.  It is up to the user group to select a representative, and that representative will be accepted by WMF (unless they are globally banned from events, and as far as I know, no one from Ghana is).  The only problem would be if the representative cannot obtain a Schengen visa.  That's why it's important to select the representative as soon as possible, so that the visa process can start as soon as possible, so that in case it is denied, there is still time to try with another representative.

The recommended guidelines for selecting a candidate are described in a sub-page of the link Sandi sent:



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