Good afternoon.

I may leave Ghana on the 17 of September to Cardiff for a year by God's grace. Out of Ghana, yes but I am ever present for the affairs of this group we are working hard to enlarge. 

Any physical meeting where I am required, I will gladly let anyone interested attend.

We have done a lot of talking on ideas etc While Rex & I are dealing with a grant report, let's note these for our next move:

1. It is about time we appear on notable media eg newpapers, radio, TV etc. We know people, so let's use our contacts. MEDIA PRESENCE

2. Tertiary students and BCampers have been more successful editors during the past outreach. A SHIFT OF FOCUS TO TERTIARY TERRAIN and BARCAMPS.

2.a. I don't want us to rely solely on BCs. Let us snoop round for other events we can recruit at and also think of our own events. EXPAND ON EVENT ORGANISATION.

3. I am sure you liked the stickers and buttons etc you got. We need more souvenirs. The Foundation arranged for some for us via post but the duty imposed on it by customs was outrageous, and had to be sent back. It is all a matter of writing back to WMF and making new arrangements and this time each member will participate. Some will do the emailing, others will pick up, others will distribute at  events. SPREADING THE WORD WITH OUR SOUVENIRS.

4. What kind of outreach are we doing next? NEXT PROJECT PLANS & POSITIONING

5. It's a new project year members please add your names and preferred emails and mobile numbers. If your don't want to share number, that is fine but email is compulsory. LIST OF THOSE INTERESTED IN 2013/2014 MEMBERSHIP & OUTREACH

6. I am writing a report for group use. REPORT OF PROGRESS AND ASSESSING IMPACT

You will hear from me again by September ending if nothing major comes up. Till then, Kindly let the notes in caps be pointers for further discussion and contribution.

Sandister Tei

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