FWIW - I've been grinding away on getting the WeRelate genealogy wiki (2.8 M Unique Person Pages) to be "aligned" with Wikidata.  At the moment, about 24,500 WeRelate Person: pages have explicit links to their corresponding Wikidata human.  A little more than 24,000 of the corresponding Wikidata humans have identifiers/back-links to WeRelate.

My compare/contrast effort between WeRelate and Wikidata should increase the overlapping set of people beyond 30,000.  Since the various WP biography pages are not systematic about relationships (often not present - and if the related person has a biography on a different language WP it may not be noticed) - a lot of genealogy relationships are missing from Wikidata.  The comparison run I did today suggested that there are about 11,500 relationship properties (father, mother, sibling, etc.) that can be inferred for Wikidata - on the basis of WeRelate.

While I could see that the Wikidata database is more instantly usable on account of the property orientation and newer software infrastructure - WeRelate is not utterly hopeless.  It has an internal organization that preserve the semantic structure of GEDCOM files.   WeRelate also isn't stuck with WP notability requirements - so you can add (within reason) - pretty much whatever you want.

I would sort of think that the WR database - and perhaps DallanQ's code base - seem like better starting points...



On 2017-08-24 15:00, Dan Koehl wrote:

I think YES, we should set up a demo wiki

2017-04-25 3:27 GMT+02:00 Sam Wilson <sam@samwilson.id.au>:
Hi all,

Should we set up a demonstration wiki?

I'm thinking it might be good to have a wiki to experiment with different
things, such as software requirements. I have been tinkering on a Genealogy
extension, — it's super-basic and doesn't do much. (That's by design, really,
because I didn't want to build features such as citation management or image
handling that are not specific to genealogy.

It's probably not a place to put permanent information (although it could be
that too), but we could install MediaWiki at
https://tools.wmflabs.org/genealogy/wiki and start experimenting with things
there. Does that sound like a worthwhile thing?

My current aim is to get the Genealogy extension to support Wikidata. It'd be
good to have a place to demonstrate and figure out how this could work.


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