C. Registration Process
       1. Registration may take place at regular meetings of the Board,
except when either the Secretary or Treasurer is not present, through
an online registration system to be created by a person or committee
designated by the Board of Directors for that purpose, or through mail
sent to the organization's PO Box.

Should this be "meetings of the Board or the membership"?  While the regular full-membership meetings may be relatively infrequent, there's no reason not to allow registration at them.

Agree with Kirill on this. Since our board meetings are going to be open anyway, this gives people another opportunity to pay.  

Also this sentence is constructed in an ambiguous way -- it can mean "Registration takes place at regular meetings, but when the Secretary or Treasurer is not present it's through an online system or mail" (implying that this is disallowed when they are present). Or it can mean what it is intended to mean.

This can be solved by offsetting the "except when either..." clause with parentheses instead of commas, or by changing the commas after "present" and purpose" to semi-colons.

       2. Registrants are required to submit their full name, mailing
address, and email address to the Secretary.
       3. Registrants are not obligated to complete the submission of
personal information and the transmission of payment at the same time,
or in a particular sequence, but they are not to be enrolled as
members in good standing until both steps are completed.
       4. Upon the receipt of dues by the Treasurer and the receipt of the
required personal information by the Secretary, the Secretary shall
sign and issue a membership certificate in the form recommended by
this motion.
       5. In the event of applications sent by mail, the Secretary shall
mail certificates to the mailing address specified by the registrant.
Membership certificates may not be emailed.

For all of (C), perhaps replace "registration" with "application", to distinguish this from (future) conference registration?
D. Form of Membership Certificate
       1. The membership certificate for the 2011/2012 fiscal year shall be
printed on 8.5 inch by 11 inch white paper in the form specified by
the enclosed image.

Can we have the year field as a blank on the certificate, to allow the same form to be reused without having to pass a separate motion each year?
E. Election of Directors
       1. A director must maintain membership in the organization for the
time of their term. Those whose memberships have lapsed during their
term will be required to re-register promptly or resign.
       2. Prior to the general membership meeting, the Board of Directors
shall appoint an Election Committee with three members, including the
Secretary and two other members who are not Directors and who agree to
waive their eligibility to serve as Directors for the duration of
their term on the committee. The term of the two appointed members
shall be one year.
This is a bit confusing; perhaps something along the lines of "an Election Committee consisting of three members, one of whom shall be the Secretary, and two of whom shall be persons who are not Directors, and who shall waive their eligibility..."

I'd also suggest including a set period (e.g. 30 days) before the meeting by which the committee will be appointed.

