Please see below!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Larry Morse Memorial Event Invitation
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:16:31 -0400
From: Erin Chen <>
To: <>
CC: Barbara Goodman ( <>

Hi Sarah,


NatureServe, a non-profit organization that connects with science with conservation, is hosting an event on October 30 in memory of one of your former DC Wikipedians, Larry Morse. Larry used to work for NatureServe, and we all recall his involvement in Wikipedia. I don’t know if you knew Larry, but we hope that you will distribute the attached invitation and that we will see some DC Wikipedians on October 30. Please feel free to reach out if you need more information or have any questions, and to distribute the invitation to other groups that you think might want to attend.


Thank you,



Erin Chen
Director of Development

NatureServe – A Network Connecting Science with Conservation
4600 N. Fairfax Dr., 7th Floor | Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 908-1841 |

CFC #10299 

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