Even more reason to keep expanding the Wikipedia Campus Ambassadors program:

Top US universities put their reputations online

This autumn more than a million students are going to take part in an experiment that could re-invent the landscape of higher education.

Some of the biggest powerhouses in US higher education are offering online courses - testing how their expertise and scholarship can be brought to a global audience.

Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have formed a $60m (£38m) alliance to launch edX, a platform to deliver courses online - with the modest ambition of "revolutionising education around the world".

Sounding like a piece of secret military hardware, edX will provide online interactive courses which can be studied by anyone, anywhere, with no admission requirements and, at least at present, without charge.

The rest can be found here:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18191589


Nicholas Michael Bashour
Wikimedia District of Columbia
Washington, DC, USA