The following constitutes a report from the Election Committee regarding an action taken by ballot by the members of Wikimedia District of Columbia.

The ballot provided to the members contained one question:

(1)  Who shall be elected to the Board of Directors of Wikimedia District of Columbia?

A total of 21 ballots were received, including 19 received by mail and 2 received electronically. The number of ballots received satisfies the quorum requirement of 15 ballots.

On Question 1, the ballots contained the following votes:

John Gallagher - 11 votes (52.4%)

Kirill Lokshin - 18 votes (85.7%)

Emily Temple-Wood - 16 votes (76.2%)

There being four open seats on the Board in this election, John Gallagher, Kirill Lokshin, and Emily Temple-Wood are hereby elected as Directors, effective immediately.  The fourth open seat shall continue to be held by incumbent Director Nicholas Bashour, pending the appointment of a new Director by the Board.

Certified on October 24, 2013.

On behalf of the Election Committee,

James Hare

James Hare
President, Wikimedia District of Columbia
@harej / @wikimediadc