On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 4:40 PM, James Hare <jamesmhare@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/5/10 Kirill Lokshin <kirill.lokshin@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 3:32 PM, James Hare <jamesmhare@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Registration by mail: I suspect you wouldn't want to have
>> registrations sent directly to your home, since it would require you
>> to post your address for all and sundry. I similarly won't want to
>> have payments sent to my personal address. Are we in agreement then
>> that the Board should rent a PO Box?
> As I think I mentioned in some thread or other, I agree that a PO Box is a
> good idea; we just need to determine who will retrieve mail from it, and
> when.
> On a tangential note, unless I'm very much mistaken, my address -- and yours
> -- is already a matter of public record, since the Articles of Incorporation
> are in principle a publicly available document.  Now, granted, it would take
> a bit of effort for someone to dig the information up; but it's hardly a
> secret at this stage.

The only people whose addresses are a matter of public record are the
incorporators' -- Bob's, Katie's, and Tiffany's.

Are you quite sure on this point?  I was under the impression that the entire AoI document -- which includes the addresses of _all_ the initial board members -- was public.
