The Wikimania bid deadline passed at 8pm this evening.  Our bid is submitted, with Georgetown University selected as the most suitable and available venue and dates of July 11-15, 2012.  There will be very frequent shuttle bus service between the venue and the Dupont Circle metro station.

We also considered some hotels in DC, but chose the university, as an educational institution and inline with the type of venues that have hosted Wikimania in the past.  Other universities include GWU and American were unavailable/unwilling to work with us or lacked capacity for an event, such as ours.

Here is our bid page:,_D.C.

Our bid is the only one of the four that has both a venue + budget -- both critical requirements of a bid.

We still are recruiting additional volunteers.  Over the next year and 3-4 months, we will need help with recruiting sponsors. During the conference itself, we'll need help with things like taking a smallish group (~20 people) sightseeing, among other help.

Big thanks to James (harej) for coordinating the bid, Racepacket for coordinating the venue, Djembayz, Ser Amantio di Nicolao, Kirill, Metabrarian, AutoGyro, Sadads, Swatjester, MissVain, and everyone else who have helped put the bid together.
