For what its worth, following corporate formalities is one of the things that courts like to see if they're being asked to pierce the corporate veil and ignore limited liability.

Of course, I'm not a lawyer, so take that with a grain of salt, but when dealing with actual legal machinery of a sovereign nation, it might be better to be on the safe side instead of being anti-mock government on sheer principle.


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Nicholas Bashour <> wrote:
Just want to say that, from my experience with newly-formed organizations, the bureaucratic hullaballoo is common in the early phases to establish the organization on solid ground and ensure its ability to survive legally. Once an organization is established, its operations often end up nicely reflecting the attitudes of those involved, be they more formal or casual.

So I hope you all bear with us while we  get everything going :)

N Michael Bashour

Sent from my iPhone

On May 10, 2011, at 8:00 PM, MZMcBride <> wrote:

> This is a general comment, but having finally gotten around to reading some
> of the mailing list posts to this list (wikimedia-dc) from the past few
> days, a lot of the tone of various aspects of this proposed chapter, etc.
> strikes me as stiflingly and wholly unnecessarily formalistic. I appreciate
> organization and I appreciate passion, but I think there are some people who
> are much more interested in mock government and rules of order than a more
> laid-back approach where the goal is that people who enjoy free
> culture/wikis/etc. hang out and geek out.
> Perhaps I'm alone in these feelings and perhaps I simply need to stop
> associating with whatever Wikimedia DC becomes, if the general consensus is
> that things are headed in the right direction. I do wonder if others agree,
> though.
> Does Wikimedia DC have a statement of principles or anything like that at
> this point?
> MZMcBride
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