We are seeking additional volunteers for the Wikimania 2012 sponsorship team.  Please let me know if you are interested and your help (small or large) would be most appreciated.

We need help brainstorming who / what prospective sponsors we should contact.  If you know any specific contacts (versus us making a cold call), that would be most helpful, and we'll need help contacting sponsors.

The preliminary sponsorship levels are here:
http://wikimania2012.wikimedia.org/wiki/Sponsorships (feedback welcome)

If you can help improve the sponsorships page, that would be awesome, and we need help turning the sponsorships page into a postcard + full page PDF (and print) package with a great sales pitch for sponsors (what's in it for them?).


President, Wikimedia District of Columbia
@wikimediadc / @wikimania2012