On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 1:50 AM, MZMcBride <z@mzmcbride.com> wrote:
Kirill Lokshin wrote:
> Today, the Board of Directors appointed Kristin Anderson to fill the seat
> previously held by Dan Rosenthal.  Many of you will no doubt know Kristin from
> her work with the Wikimania planning process, where she has held an active
> role since the time of our initial bid.  Kristin will serve on the Board until
> the next scheduled election, which will take place in September.

Usually something like this would be in the form of a release. Was there a
release? I didn't see anything on the wiki, off-hand.

<http://wikidc.org/wiki/Template:Latest_news> also seems to be rather

> Separately, the Board has, with great regret, accepted the resignation of
> Robert Platt.

Quite coy, Kirill. Behave, please.

MZMcBride for the vacant board seat!
