
Few questions:

1. Are we planning to rent walkie talkies or so for coordination and communication between volunteers? 

2. When are we planning to take the volunteers for a tour of facilities so that we know the place to help our guests? The sooner a date is set, the better, as I will need to adjust my schedules to get up there for it. (FYI - 7th is a no-go for me, as I am supposed to attend a corporate event)

3. Do we have locker facilities?


Camerocks - Rock your digital world! 

completion date = (start date + ((estimated effort x 3.1415926) / resources) + ((total coffee breaks x 0.25) / 24)) + Effort in meetings

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 10:09 PM, James Hare <messedrocker@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Wikimania 2012 is now only a month away! And we will need a lot of
volunteers to make sure everything runs swimmingly. Those who
volunteer for Wikimania will receive free registration *and* a
thank-you dinner on Saturday night. So what are you waiting for? Sign
up here: <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDVtazR0ajJHdHRoTmR4VGhZbERJU2c6MQ#gid=0>

If you have any questions, email me at james.hare@wikidc.org.

James Hare
Coordinator, Wikimania 2012

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