OK, here they are.

1.) Some sort of article-creating geobot.  I mentioned this at the last meeting, but haven't gotten around to doing something more about it.
 Briefly: a proposal for such a bot was floated a couple of years ago.  Fritzpoll agreed to code it, and he did - but for some reason it never got further beyond the planning stage, though there was approval of it.  I think it's time we revisit the issue.  There are plenty of reliable sources online from which even rudimentary geographic data can be drawn; we can go about it as we did before, with people vetting lists of articles prior to creation to ensure that all links are correct.  If it works as well as I hope it would, then presumably its scope could be expanded to cover other geographical features, such as rivers, lakes, and mountains.
  If you all think it worthwhile, I'm going to dredge up the old suggestion and see what can be done about getting it started again.

2.) Some sort of Geograph project, but for the United States.  I've always thought it a pity that no such project exists outside of the British Isles, and I don't see why not.  Dr. Blofeld and I were talking about this one day, and he suggested that such a project might be hosted, or at least supported, by Wikimedia.  I think it's a great idea; it worked for the UK, so why not here?  And if it works as well as I hope, it might be expanded to cover other countries, too.  Besides which, it would be a great source of free images that we could well use.

3.) A WikiAtlas.  This was another of Dr. Blofeld's ideas - I haven't discussed it with him as much, but I think it would be something similar to OpenStreetMap.  Could be a good idea, if you think Wikimedia would support it.

4.) Wiktionary outreach in third-world languages.  I was reading something over at meta yesterday, and it made me think about what a potentially huge resource for such outreach we have here in DC.  And a lot of third-world languages don't have very much of a profile online.  Perhaps this would be something to integrate into our discussions with the National Museum of the American Indian, for instance - I'm sure Wiktionary could stand a good infusion of words from American Indian languages.  And I'm sure the museum carries out some good linguistic research.

How do these sound to you?

2011/1/1 aude <aude.wiki@gmail.com>
Please suggest them. 

Katie (@aude)

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 1, 2011, at 4:15 PM, "Steve P." <verdianspursfan@gmail.com> wrote:

I actually like Burma...one of my favorite places in Chinatown.

I'm not going to be able to make tomorrow's meeting, but I have a couple of things I'd like to put out there as agenda suggestions.  Get the idea out there, maybe get some discussion going, see where it might lead.  Does anyone object if I post them to the listserv?

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Ben F. Schumin <schuminweb@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I'd say it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great, either.  Thus
it gets a neutral from me.  I wouldn't recommend against it to friends
and relatives, but on the other hand, I also wouldn't recommend it as
a must-go, either.

2010/12/31 Bruce R. Gilson <brg1942@gmail.com>:
> 2010/12/30 Dan Rosenthal <swatjester@gmail.com>
>> Well we did eat at that terrible Singaporan restaurant in Chinatown once.
> Well, it wasn't Singaporean; it was Burmese. And obviously, if you think
> it's so terrible, I won't suggest it again because we want to please
> everyone. But I wonder why you think so -- I rather liked it!
> --
>                                                                      Bruce
> R. Gilson
> brg1942@gmail.com
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