Hi Mónica,

Great hearing from you. Sounds good. Feel free to loop me in the conversation at any point. 
If you intend to host the conference in August 2020 then it means you have more then enough time to submit a proposal, but it's always a good ides to start ahead. The 2019 Iberoconf report should be up for review by the end on next week and it would probably have some good insights to consider. 

Hope to talk some more soon.



On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 7:34 PM Mónica Bonilla <mpbonillap@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Chen,
Chen: nice to meet you.
Winifred: thanks for the introduction.

Sorry to answer so far, Before answering we are looking to meet with the user group and start planning and having details of what it would be like for Colombia to host the next Iberoconf.
(Copy to the mailing list of Wikimedistas of Colombia so that we are all tuned in to the advances and conversation)
In the last meeting we had, we contemplated that Bogotá be the venue for the next version of Iberoconf. As tentative dates, we also propose that it be in August 2020.

Also, the people who are participating in the event in Berlin, will bring new ideas that will be good to share in this thread.

Thank you very much and see you soon.

On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 10:19, Chen Almog <calmog@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Monica - great hearing from you.
Winifred - thank you for the introduction.

Monica - I agree with Winifred that we should take into consideration the analysis of the 2019 conference, but we can defiantly start talking. Would you want to schedule a talk? Or maybe share with me some of your thoughts?

Looking forward to hearing from you.



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 11:38 PM Winifred Olliff <wolliff@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hello Chen,

I would like to introduce you to our colleague, Mónica, of the Wikipedistas of Colombia User Group. We met at the IberoConf in Santiago last week. Their User Group is considering offering to host the next conference in 2020 or 2021 if it happens.

(Chen, quisiera presentarte a nuestra colega Mónica de Wikipedistas de Colombia Grupo de Usuarios. Nos conocimos en IberoConf en Santiago la semana pasada. Su Grupo de Usuarios ahora esta considerando ofrecer a organizar la siguiente conferencia en 2020 o 2021, si ocurre.)

Mónica believes the group is capable of hosting a conference of this size, and that there may be some potential to partner with institutions who can contribute space or help in other ways. I let her know that the main questions to answer were about the purpose and value of the conference, considering that we are currently still evaluating the event we just completed. At the same time, I let her know that you were the one to go to with questions about the process and also that getting the conversation started sooner rather than later would be more useful :)

(Mónica cree que el grupo tiene la capaz a organizar una conferencia de esta magnitud y quizás haya potencial de colaborar con instituciones aliadas que puedan contribuir espacio o ayuda en otras maneras. Le hice saber que las preguntas primeras son sobre la meta y valor de la conferencia, habida cuenta de que aún estamos evaluando el evento que acabamos de completar. Al mismo tiempo, le hice saber que tú eres la que pueda responder a sus preguntas sobre el proceso, y también que sea mejor iniciar la conversación lo antes posible.)

Mónica, creo que no necesitas mi ayuda con traducción pero solo dímelo si tengas algún problema o dificultades para comunicarse en inglés con Chen y puedo ayudarte :)




Winifred Olliff

Senior Program Officer

Wikimedia Foundation


Chen Almog (she/her)

Conference Grants Program Officer

Wikimedia Foundation


Monica Bonilla P.
Rep Mozilla


Chen Almog (she/her)

Conference Grants Program Officer

Wikimedia Foundation