Thank you AB for commenting on Meta already (:

I will explain here how I envision that our plan development process will work.

Already done: Assemble a our Board; get consensus for creating a user group including its name and geographic scope; early program brainstorming and wishlisting; Affcom affiliation approval

Step 1 (now): draft of program list with community input; finance and legal work in background; WMF trademark agreement

Step 2: Board creation of bylaws and appointment of officers; Board selection of programs and calendar for programs; Board authorization to draft a budget and grant proposal; Board authorization to register Cascadia Wikimedians User Group as a nonprofit corporation with relevant government agencies; Board authorization to establish a registered agent and to create a bank account; Board authorization to seek a small "bridging the gap" grant for legal startup expenses like registered agent services prior to our Annual Plan grant; Board approval of trademark agreement with WMF

Step 3: Budget and program plan/calendar draft development; obtain small grant for legal startup expenses and execute the funded tasks

Step 4: Community review of budget and program plan/calendar

Step 5: Board approval of.budget, program plan/calendar, and grant request(s) to fund the budget

Step 6: Sumbit budget and grant proposal for review by grantmaker(s)

Step 7: Recieve grant funding.and begin to execute programs (:

After Step 7: quarterly Board reviews until it's time to create the next annual plan, with possible special meetings on occasion between regular quarterly meetings.

Does that all sound ok? Any questions?



On Nov 17, 2014 3:29 PM, "Pine W" <> wrote:
I'm hoping that people will comment so that we can get a sense about the priorities of our group. The Board can use the comments to finalize a program plan and an associated budget. The budget will be developed to support the program plan.

I'm still working in the background about the "infrastructure" budget for issues like insurance, but even these will benefit greatly by being informed by a program plan.

One important note is that the plan will likely be adjusted and adapted as our capabilities and opportunities change. My thinking is that the Board can do this via quarterly review meetings with community input.

Please share your comments!


This is an Encyclopedia
One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies
The deep rock of our past, in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water we must leave untainted for those who come after us,
The fertile earth, in which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not know.
Catherine Munro