Thanks Kirill, I will look at this in more detail soon, hopefully this week or next week.



On Oct 15, 2014 5:32 PM, "Kirill Lokshin" <> wrote:
Hi Pine,

The WMDC small grants program is described at (with more exhaustive detail available at if you're curious).  The program isn't limited to recognized affiliates, so there's no need to wait for your user group agreement to be finalized.

As far as funding is concerned, the maximum grant size is $2,500, but we evaluate each request based on budget availability and fit to mission.  We don't necessarily *require* itemized costs, but we do need enough detail on what the money will be spent on to evaluate whether it aligns our charitable mission; providing an itemized budget is typically the easiest (but not the only) way to do this.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Pine W <> wrote:

Hi Kirill,

Cascadia had a good turnout last night for our regular Seattle meeting, with more than 10 people in attendance, some of whom were first time attendees.

Attendees suggested that we have more signage indicating that they were in the right venue. Previously we have discussed name badges, and a third person suggested previously that we could have a fund for travel reimbursement for costs like bus fares. Are these reasonable requests to combine with a grant request from WMDC for service-of-process and nonprofit legal registration costs? We could itemize the costs in the grant request if you wish, although if WMDC is willing to provide an all-inclusive grant for about $400 to be used at our discretion and read about how that money was used in a combined post-action grant report, that might be easier for us and for WMDC. Please advise on what funds WMDC would consider and whether we would need to wait for Affcom and WMF Legal to finalize the affiliation agreement before applying for startup funding from WMDC.
