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On Jan 23, 2015, at 2:30 PM, Jason Moore <> wrote:

Thank you for sharing. I doubt many people watch the Cascadia Wikimedians/Events page, but I went ahead and added details there at Meta-Wiki nonetheless:

Happy editing!,

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Monika Sengul-Jones <> wrote:
Dear Cascadians, 

You are invited to circulate and share three exciting events taking place at the University of Washington on Friday, Feb. 13 and Saturday, Feb. 14: 

-- Editing Workshop: Learn to Contribute to Wikipedia!* Friday, Feb. 13, 2-4pm, Research Commons 
-- Wikipedia Editing Facilitation Training Workshop, Friday, 6-8pm, Mary Gates Hall 430
-- 'I Love To You: A Critical Wikipedia Edit-a-thon*, Saturday, Feb. 14, 9:30am - 1:30pm, Research Commons  (Link to RSVP below!)

*Recommended pre-session for I Love To You

Details for each event are pasted below,and will circulate in separate emails as well

Monika Sengul-Jones


Editing Workshop: Learn to Contribute to Wikipedia!

Friday, Feb. 13, 2pm-4pm at the University of Washington Research Commons, Green Room A

Hosted by Wikimedia DC and Wikimedia Cascadia User Group


Learn to be an editor on Wikipedia! Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia. Anyone can learn to contribute. Get signed up, learn the markup language, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Whether you're completely new, or you've written or edited in the past, the workshop will cover the basic skill set. Experienced Wikipedia editors will be on hand to answer questions. This workshop is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Bring your own laptops & power cords. (Guest access to UW WiFi will be available.)


The Wikipedia Editing Workshop is recommended as a pre-session for participants in 'I Love To You': Critical Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, Saturday, Feb. 14, 2013. 


Wikipedia Facilitator Training Workshop
Friday, Feb. 13, 6-8pm

Led by James Hare, from Wikimedia DC, this workshop covers best practices on teaching new Wikipedia editors. In his words: "Knowing these best practices allows you to translate your expertise in Wikipedia into something an audience with a modest amount of technical literacy can understand." This workshop is open to anyone interested in learning how to host an edit-a-thons or other Wikipedia editing event or activity for newcomers. 

Bring your own laptops & power cords. (Guest access to UW WiFi will be available.)


'I Love To You': Critical Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 
Valentine's Day, Saturday, Feb. 14, 9:30am - 1:30pm

'I Love To You' will bring dialogues in feminist theory to a hands-on editing workshop to build community and critically engage with Wikipedia. 

Cost: Free! Anyone who wishes to attend this event is welcome. Bring your own laptops & power cords. (Guest access to UW WiFi will be available.) Bring your own coffee mugs and water bottles to enjoy delicious refreshments sustainably. 

'I Love To You' would like offer free childcare to participants who RSVP and indicate their childcare needs by 5pm on Friday, January 23, 2015.

RSVP here!

Affiliated Sponsors: UW Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies; UW Research Commons; UW Simpson Center for Humanities; Wikimedia Washington DC; UW iSchool; UW Human Centered Design and Engineering; UW Comparative History of Ideas; UW Department of Communication; UW Pipeline Project; Cascadia Wikimedia User Group


“I love to you means I maintain a relation of indirection to you. I do not subjugate you or consume you. I respect you (as irreducible). I hail you: in you I hail. I praise you: in you I praise. I give you thanks: to you I give thanks for … I bless you. 


"The 'to' is the guarantor of indirection. The "to" prevents the relation of transitivity, bereft of the other's irreducibility and potential reciprocity. The "to" maintains intransitivity between persons, between the interpersonal question, speech or gift: I speak to you, I ask of you, I give to you (and not: I give you to another). 

The "to" is the sign of non-immediacy, of mediation between us.”

~ Luce Irigaray. I Love To You: Sketch of a Possible Felicity in History. Translated by Alison Martin. Routledge: New York, NY. 1996. pp. 109-110

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