Oh, I thought you said Thursday. OK, will wait for the syllabus.

If anyone wants to host a holiday party please let me know on or off list, otherwise I may try to set up something when we get closer to December. I am thinking we might do a group event with one or two other Seattle groups that are open source friendly.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 9:19 PM, Benj. Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc> wrote:
<quote who="Pine W" date="Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 08:21:05PM -0700">
> Thursday November 6, panel discussion with Mako's class, time TBD.

That's probably close but my class is Monday-Wednesday so exact day
seems particularly unlikely. ;) I'm nailing down the syllabus in the next
few days and I'll send some details along soon.

> December: no regular meeting but may have a holiday party, time and place
> TBD.

That would be wonderful!


Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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