Hi Cascadia ~ 

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Benj. Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc> wrote:
<quote who="Pine W" date="Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 09:35:38PM -0800">
> Hi Mako, the plan is to meet next Tuesday, January 13. If you can
> get us building and wifi access, please email Peaceray, Sage and I
> off-list with the info.

Sorry, I spoke incorrectly but got the meaning right? Or something?

I will be out of town on the 13th and cannot participate remotely in
during that period of Tuesday evening. I will also be out of town on
on Tuesday the 20th but could participate remotely then.

In any case, you guys can go ahead without me and there's a
possibility that I could make the tail end of the meeting.

I will get a room and setup WiFi for the 13th. I will get that event
UW NETIDs and the door code to you, Pine.

I spoke with Mako and I can let everyone in to the building on Tuesday! I look forward to being at the meeting as non-board member participant. I am not sure I can stay for the whole meeting, but hopefully that won't pose a problem in terms of building access. 

All the best,


Benjamin Mako Hill

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Monika Sengul-Jones
(206) 715-2320