So glad to hear, Pine. Thanks for the update and your work leading up to tomorrow's meeting.


On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Pine W <> wrote:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that my dad's heart surgery was successful. He is now in recovery.

Tonight I am burning the midnight oil to get our budget and bylaws wrapped up for everyone to review over the weekend (:


This is an Encyclopedia
One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies
The deep rock of our past, in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water we must leave untainted for those who come after us,
The fertile earth, in which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not know.
Catherine Munro

On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Pine W <> wrote:

Thanks everyone, I very much appreciate your support.

It sounds like there will be more testing done mid-week followed by the main surgery sometime next week or early January. If all of the vitamins that he's been taking for years have been effective then I'm hopeful for a good outcome.

When I'm not working this week or visiting with family, I hope to catch up on Cascadia tasks. Also, I may join the Beowulf cluster tonight if I get a good chunk of work finished by that time today.


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