Hi all,

With thanks to Kirill for thoroughly reading the proposed bylaws, I have made the following modifications which we will discuss during our Tuesday meeting:

*Article III, section 1 broken up into 2 sections. Section 2 concerns lobbying. Consistent with discussion with Steven LaPorte about interpretation of our user group agreement, the restriction about influencing legislation is modified to restrict only lobbying or influencing legislation that is inconsistent with the Wikimedia mission.

*Article V, section 3 "Notice of Member Meetings" modified to allow for electronic meeting notice provided that RCW 24.03.009 is fulfilled.

*Article V "Membership meetings" sections 4 and 5 modified to more explicitly discuss virtual presence and allow for voting by mail in some circumstances. Artivle V "Quorum" section modified to allow for a lower threshold quorum than 50% of the membership once the total number of members is sixteen or more.

*Article VI "Board of directors" section 9 on Director vacancies changed from "Board shall appoint" to "Board may appoint". I highlighted for Board to discuss this section in particular at our meeting.

*"Consequences of failing a background check; privacy disqualification" changed to limit prohibition on becoming a Board member or officer until "the appropriate length of time has passed since the incident in question per Article VI section 3 subsection C, "Qualifications"."

*Article VI, Section 4.a on executive sessions: clarified that Board members and officers in attendance must not be recused.

*Article VII, section 1 list of officers made consistent with Article VII, Section 5.

*Article VII, section 2 changed to require that the board chair and vice-chair be board members.

*Moved the 2nd portion of the Treasurer's job description, which discussed authority to allow variances from budgets. This section is now in Article X, "Fiscal Controls".

* Modified the documentation requirement to allow that some expenses of $10 or less where there may be no receipt offered, such as parking fees that are paid with cash, may still be eligible for disbursements at the discretion of the Treasurer and subject to later review by the Finance Committee.

*Article X - "Fiscal controls" section 1-c clarified.

Thanks very much for your feedback, Kirill.


This is an Encyclopedia
One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies
The deep rock of our past, in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water we must leave untainted for those who come after us,
The fertile earth, in which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not know.
Catherine Munro