The UC Riverside library is pretty amazing -- they sell books that aren't checked out for a very long time and I've bought some really cool books from there (and some duds, which is probably why those particular books weren't checkout out very often).  Anyway, I work every weekend and those dates are all Saturdays.  If you all want to have an edit-a-thon on a weekday, I'm game. :)

Wikipedia user:Banaticus
(909)529-BART (2278) -- only call or text, I can't get picture texts

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:18 PM, phoebe ayers <> wrote:
Hi all, 

The UC Riverside libraries are holding three edit-a-thons as part of Wikipedia Loves Libraries, on Oct. 12, Oct. 26, and Nov. 23 (all are Saturdays). 

Details are here:

The edit-a-thons will focus on the very cool special collections at the Riverside libraries, including the Eaton Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy: -- "the largest publicly-accessible collection of science fiction, fantasy, horror and utopian literature in the world." 

Other special collections that editors might want to use include the Water Resources Archive (, and a collection on the Tuskegee Airmen archive ( And of course all of the other UCR library resources will be available as well. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of a great library and librarians who are eager to share their collections! If you can attend in person please do, or if not consider participating remotely -- feel free to make reference requests on the talk page :) And please encourage your friends in southern California to attend. 

-- Phoebe 

Phoebe Ayers
Wikimedia Foundation | UC Davis Libraries

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