Hi Evan,

On Feb 1, 2008 10:55 AM, Evan Prodromou <evan@prodromou.name> wrote:

Having decisions made in English, and then dictated down to francophones
in their own tongue, is probably not going to fly. Let's make sure that
at least one French speaker is part of the steering committee, so that
we can address the needs of all Canadians.

I can't speak on Alan's behalf, but I think this is intended to seek out and involve francophones rather then alienate them. We didn't have anyone at the IRC meeting that was francophone, but I think the people there were sensitive to this.

There is a lot of work to be done, and we can use additional help. You can be assured that we will be soliciting comments from the francophone community, and it would be fantastic if we could get input. I personally have expended some effort to make sure things have gotten translated and would be delighted if we could get some people involved.

There's a contact board for Quebec Wikipedians:


I can send out some emails to well-known Quebec Wikipedians, too.

Don't forget that not all francophones live in Quebec. I'd appreciate if you'd post a note on the board and by e-mail, and provide a link so we can post it too.
