Hi Marc,

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Marc A. Pelletier <marc@wikimania.qc.ca> wrote:
On 01/02/2010 6:01 PM, Gerald A wrote:
> I do think that WM Canada will probably break new ground as an org,
> but the truth is that we should probably avoid it during the startup
> phase with the government, as it'll make the job harder all around.

It's actually the other way 'round.  Consult with a specialized lawyer:
unless the charter of the nonprofit is /just right/ at constitution,
(and the bylaws are near perfect -- though at least you get to change
those) you'll face a tremendous uphill battle to even have a shot at
charitable status.

I think we're on the same page here. If I was unclear, I apologize. What I was
trying to say was that we should try to find a model we can emulate for the
charitable status bits. While there are some really progressive thinkers in
Government, we're far more likely to get a stickler for the rules and thus get
slapped for that upfront. Let's dot all the i's and cross all the t's, and be progressive
in our actions.
