Er. CCing James NOW :-)

Sent from my phone: please forgive any typos or terseness.

On Jan 12, 2011 4:58 PM, "Sue Gardner" <> wrote:
> Adding James :-)
> (Maybe James is subscribed here, actually. He might be, now that I think of
> it.)
> Sent from my phone: please forgive any typos or terseness.
> On Jan 12, 2011 1:32 PM, "Tom W" <> wrote:
>> I can't recall if I expressed a desire to attend before, so I'm doing so
> now. Weekday evening ("after work" type of time) works best for me.
>> Anyone got any thoughts on location?
>> Tom W
>>> From:
>>> Subject: Wikimedia-ca Digest, Vol 168, Issue 2
>>> To:
>>> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 16:35:23 +0000
>>> From: Sue Gardner <>
>>> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-Canada] A few things
>>> To: Wikimedia Canada planning list <>
>>> Recapping: I think James (Owen) wrote this list to see if anyone here
>>> wanted to take charge of organizing a meetup while I'm in Toronto. I
>>> don't think he got much/any response, which is fine and to be
>>> expected, since Canadian Wikimedians are scattered across the country
>>> rather than necessarily being clustered in or near Toronto.
>>> So I think we should do this:
>>> * Toronto-area Wikimedians who might be able to attend, should state
>>> any preferences to this list, CCing James. It would be helpful, I
>>> think, for James to know whether people prefer day or evening, weekend
>>> or weekday, and if they have preferences for neighbourhood. We won't
>>> have tons of wiggle room, but we'll likely have some, and we'd try to
>>> accommodate people's preferences as much as we can.
>>> * James will figure out a location and date/time, and publish it to this
> list.
>>> * I'll turn up at the appointed time and place, and spend some time
>>> with whoever's able to be there.
>>> It won't be a formal event, just a casual meet-up since I happen to be
>>> in town. It'd be great to see anyone who can manage to come :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sue