On the note of moving forward I just wanted to comment on the process James and the steering committee outlined on Nov 30.
I would strongly suggest that 2(a) and (b) below be interchanged and not done concurrently. There's a couple of reasons for this:
1) Any WMF amendments can be easily done to the bylaws without involving the CRA;
2) The charitable application is going to take 9 months at least. This is coming out of a number of conversations I've had last week with the Charities Directorate for another non-profit I'm trying very hard to get charitable status for; and
3) The CRA is much more amenable to non-profits that have existing agreements with other organizations (preferably qualified charities from Canada but foreign NGO-type entities will work as well). A chapter agreement would definitely help in this regard.
With respect to the submitted documents of incorporation, they are not
written in stone. Amendments can be filled at any time and may need to
be filled a couple of times to get wording that the Canada Revenue
Agency is willing to except as charitable.
The process is:
1) Incorporate as a non profit
2a) Submit application for charity status to Canadian Revue Agency
2b) Apply to the chapters committee to be recognized as an official chapter
3) If we wish to use ca.wikimedia.org this would be the time when we
would get the domain I assume.
James Heilman
Wikimedia-ca mailing list