On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Casey Brown <lists@caseybrown.org> wrote:
Had you contacted the original owner of the list? (Zanimum/Nicholas
Moreau) I'm sure he would've been happy to give you the password. If
he wasn't contactable, you could've created a bug and asked us to
reset the password.
You guys are free to choose to use a different platform from mailman,
of course. I just thought it was strange and I'm not a big fan of
unnecessary moves. :-)
I'll chime in and say I'd prefer to stay on mailman, rather then moving to
another list hosting software, even if it is hosted off wikimedia servers.
I know some people who aren't all that thrilled with using Google software,
and who would avoid the list for that reason, which I think is another
reason to reconsider. (google groups are ultimately in Google's control,
unlike Mailman).
I'm also concerned there wasn't any on-list discussion of this prior to the
decision being handed down from "above". I think it would be proper
netiquette to ask the subscribers and find out the whereabouts of the list
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