
On 4/20/07, Nicholas Moreau < nicholasmoreau@gmail.com> wrote:
Current this list has public archiving--you don't have to be a member
to access the old messages.

We could have private archiving, which forces people to register, and
thus messages aren't indexed by Google.

I don't see any reason to have private archiving, but while I'm going
through the preferences, thought I'd bring it up.

If I may share my experience within the French chapter : a closed moderated low-traffic list reserved to members of the chapter can really be helpful if all the members are automatically subscribed to the list. Such a list is useful when the board needs to reach all members for important internal messages. And an open public high-traffic mailing list is useful too for general discussions. So I would say: keep this general list public, and you may in the future create a closed mailing list for members.

Guillaume Paumier
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Henry David Thoreau