To be fair, there are probably a lot of people who are interested in helping but who don't like reading through the legalese of bylaws. As long as a couple of us keep at them, I bet we'll find a lot more people willing to do work once we actually start doing real-world work.
That being said, I'll speed up my replies so we actually have a clear mission statement before you leave for Buenos Aires.
-Jeffery Nichols (Arctic.gnome)
On 9-Jul-09, at 7:15 PM, Ray Saintonge wrote:
Jeffery Nichols wrote:
Only a couple people made it, so there wasn't much of a meeting. We just committed to discussing the bylaws on the talk page more and will have another meeting when the current problems with them are resolved.
What would help is if more people participated in developing the details on that talk page. Several issues require very careful consideration that cannot be achieved in an online meeting.
I get bored waiting for responses, and the very few people who have anything to say make me think that only those few have any interest at all in a chapter. I plan to be in Buenos Aires for Wikimania, and it would certainly help if I could go there with an understanding of what people want out of this process.
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