These are excellent points about the name gentlemen, I had not considered this at all.  If we were to incorporate as Wiki Canada, we could always negotiate an agreement with Wikimedia Foundation for the use of Wikimedia Canada.  If the organization was able to negotiate this agreement, we could choose to use the name as an operating name.  If we are going to raise money and market a name it would seem sensible that the organization should be in complete control of that name.  This is really a subject for discussion at once we know the list of names who will sit on the steering committee. I will be working to set up a call with James over the next few days to speak about the group moving forward.  For those of you who have provided their address on the contact page, if you send me your Skype account name or phone number I will get in touch of each of you as well. 

On 4 August 2010 20:49, Nicholas Moreau <> wrote:
Even if we had to license the name from WMF, for a $1 a year, to make
it official.


On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Ray Saintonge <> wrote:
> Jeffery Nichols wrote:
>> What kind of problems do you foresee with incorporation if we kept the
>> name Wikimedia Canada?  I would rather keep the standardized name
>> unless it would cause too many legal hassles.  Most of the famous NGO
>> with chapters in many countries use the standard name in Canada, so I
>> don't see why that would be a problem for us.
> I don't see any problems with it at all; it does tie us more closely to
> the WMF.  It would only be a problem if the Canadian operation became
> divorced from WMF, and wanted to continue doing its own thing.
> "Wikimedia" is already registered as a trademark in Canada.
> Ray
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