
I'd like to announce that we've reached the magic number of 10 people who I set out to recruit. Thank you to all that responded, and I'm still trying to make sure everyone is subscribed and on the mailing list.

This initial group will be the people to get the ball rolling, and discuss the bylaws and general policies once Wikimedia Canada is up and running.

Membership to this group isn't closed now that we've reached 10, but my feeling is with 10 people we now have enough to start mapping out the process.

The next steps are contact with legal entities (lawyer(s)?) to find out what needs to be done to get this happening from a legal viewpoint. I want to get some guesstimates about the cost of the process, so we can start to pencil together a budget for this process.

We should also think about a couple of "vision" points ... what Wikimedia Canada wants to do, what we want to achieve. There are already a number of great ideas on Meta about this, and I have some too.

I welcome any suggestions, advice, or comments on what we need to do, and how it should get done.
