What we have here is a great example of one of the reasons we wish to move to a new mailing list. Let me elaborate

1) There is know way to determine if the person on this mailing list is or is not a member of Wiki Canada. Membership per our bylaws is restricted to Canadian citizens. The first response to Alans announcement of the move was from Casey Brown. This person is not a member of Wiki Canada and does not appear to be Canada per his Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Cbrown1023 Than we have a comment from Delphine Menard who is also neither a member of Wiki Canada nor Canadian. Neither one of them supported this move but they are not members of Wiki Canada and do not appear to be eligible. And if we are to get charity status from the Canadian Revenue Agency they cannot be eligible to have a say.

2) I have emailed people at Wikimedia in the past requesting moderator control of this list. I never received a reply. I have done so again in the last few days and have not been emailed back yet. We need a forum that members of Wiki Canada have control over. I do not mind and actually encourage people from other countries and non members to listen in but I am not happy having non members generate drama for our organization. We on the board of Wiki Canada are all volunteers, we all have professional lives and do this in our free time. We want to keep work as productive as possible.

3) Let me re-post our up coming meet up in Vancouver:

We have decided on a location for a meet up in Vancouver. Details below

- Date : Friday April 29th, 2011
- Hour : 7 pm PST
- Location : Benny's Bagels, 2505 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6K 2E9

Please sign up here http://wikimedia.ca/wiki/Meetings/2011-04-29 to give us
an idea of numbers. Amgine will be there early holding us a spot. 

James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian