The web site is hung up by two issues:

1)  Can we use the Wikimedia Canada logo yet?

2)  Can we use the name without offending anyone if the former is not yet approved.

I was hoping 1 and 2 would be resolved by now, but the future with the chapers committee seems unclear to me.  Otherwise it is ready to go.  Membership processing has not been looked at as we do not have a bank account yet.  However, a strategy will need to be planned that I presume will be discussed at a future board meeting.

On 8 January 2011 17:33, James Heilman <> wrote:
1) Regarding fees: Yes there are benefits to both high and low amount. I am of the opinion that from members we wish personal time more than money. People who are willing to organize events, runs things ect. How much money people are willing to put forth does not necessarily reflect commitment (even though it does to some degree)  Some people will than be willing to give larger sums of money either with or without strings attached. Once things are up and running my business will make a $1000 dollar donation to Wiki Canada so that we are not completely destitute.

2) Do people wish that I post the documents of incorporation online? I would off course remove the personal contact information of directors who wish to keep a lower profile. A copy of the bylaws as accepted by the government are on the meta site.

3) WRT our own website Alan Walker and Ray Saintonge have been working on it. We have a web address. There was some discussion of logos. Do we have a role out of scheduled for the site?

James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian

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