Hello everyone,
Firstly, I hope that you all have been having a great day, as it has been beautiful all this week! As you all know, the fall semester is fast approaching, and the Wikipedia Education Program is searching for Campus Volunteers to help facilitate the teaching of Wikipedia to students at local Boston-area college campuses. A few people receiving this e-mail already are already involved in the program and know what I’m talking about, but for those of you are are interested in finding out more information, you can go here: https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Education_Program. Mainly all of the classes will be occurring within the 128 belt, but there is one class that will be occurring at Merrimack College, so if anyone would be able to easily go there, that would be great! In terms of involvement, if anyone wants to become involved, please let me know, and I will be happy to do a very brief interview and guide you along on the process.
Finally, some updates on the user group front. Due to the developments at the last meeting, we have moved from the “In discussion” phase to the “Planned” phase. Our next group step is to be approved, now that Maia and I have agreed to sign and submit the User Group Agreement (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_User_Group_Agreement), and hopefully we will be at this stage during our next meeting, when we can plan on electing an interim steering committee to help lead until our next annual meeting, where we will pursue the idea of possible chapter status.
If you have any questions about the Education Program, e-mail me (but not the entire list), and if you have any questions about the User Group, e-mail the list (but not me directly). Have a great weekend!
Kevin Rutherford