Dear wiki wanderers,

I'm organizing a workshop for people interested in writing about universities and their people+research, next Tues-Thurs.  Hoping to help get closer to 100% coverage in our fair city.

Hosted by the Media Lab, which has been leading the way w/ free-licensing policies.  This is part of MIT's inter-activities period, and open to the public; but requires an RSVP for lunch.  Details and RSVP here:

Let me know if any of you are interested in being a mentor for an hour on one of those days. 

Warmly, SJ

Learn to edit Wikipedia like a pro: with structured data, annotated sources, and memorable media.  Learn how to compile lists of people, places, and projects and turn them into redlinks.
Learn to make your own work accessible to others who might write about it.  Practice using the network of Wikidata, Commons, and Wikisource for distributing already-published work.
Compete for clarity, glory, and cryptokitties.

Where: E15-359
When:  Jan 9-11, 12-5pm* / 12-4pm / 12-4pm 
    [Jan 9 we're meeting elsewhere for lunch.  RSVP for details]
Who:  Humans + algorithmic entities with an interest in Boston-area research 
What to bring: Blood, sweat, tears.  A laptop.