WHAT: Understanding & Using APIs
WHO: beginners who want to know how APIs are important in digital scholarship; anyone who wants to find an API community of practice
WHEN: Monday, January 8, 2018 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm)
WHERE: Boston (Simmons College)
HOW MUCH: $75 general, $45 ASIST members, $30 students
WHY: Finding ways to connect information is one of our biggest challenges. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are sets of requirements that govern how one application can talk to another and share data. These capabilities are great for researchers (part-time or professional), librarians, students, and really anyone who works with data! Our morning speakers are experts in APIs, and through them you'll understand what APIs are and learn the practical uses of how APIs can enhance your data. In the afternoon session, you'll see hands-on demonstrations and learn about API tools you can bring back to your organization.