Hi all,

It was terrific to meet all of you at the general meeting on Sunday. I'm very excited about taking our local efforts to the next level.

I wanted to follow up on the idea of hosting a meeting where we invite a local professor who has conducted research on Wikipedia and free culture to be our guest speaker. SJ suggested Yochai Benkler at the Berkman Center (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/ybenkler). Our preliminary plan was for SJ to make the initial contact and for me to handle the follow-up and the logistics.

I'd like to get started as soon as possible since we're so close to the end of the semester. I have a couple of questions for the group:

1. Do we want to potentially combine this with the regular meetup we've scheduled for May 14th?
2. Do we want to allocate some money for pizza (there may be a way to get a student group at Harvard to cover this)?
3. Should we consider postponing the event until the Fall, given that many schools are in the midst of finals?

Best wishes,
Gabe (GabrielF)