FYI for those interested in monumentalism.

I gave a talk to a group of hs and college students recently, whow anted to know what to do to start editing.  "do you love monuments?"  "yes!"  they all loved the wlm website and started plotting in their own neighborhoods :-)   "how cool that chicago has N different districts already!"


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lodewijk <>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 7:19 AM
Subject: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Deadlines: please check
To: Wiki Loves Monuments Photograph Competition <>

Hi all,

I would like to repeat the deadlines from once again, and would like to hear it very soon if one of the deadlines is not realistic for you, or if you have good reasons to change it. Especially the October 21 deadline is important. With that information, we will set the final deadlines on Saturday. 

* August 27: Upload wizard and websites should be ready. 
* August 30: Crucial infrastructure should be translated to your local languages, banner info should be ready and translated. English summary page should be available for each country. 
* 1 September - 30 September: actual contest. Banners up. (exception Israel, which is using the hebrew months, but will follow the other deadlines)
* October 21: Deadline for submitting the 10 nominations for the international contest. This can be a private submission (with delayed publishing) and they do not have to be ordered. Being late for this deadline might result in having no nominations in the international contest - so make sure this is a realistic deadline for you. 
* November 18: The international jury needs to have its results ready. This can't be much later, because we would like to produce calendars again, but this time get them delivered before the end of the year. 

I would appreciate it also if some people could confirm this is realistic and workable for them. 


Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list

Samuel Klein          @metasj           w:user:sj          +1 617 529 4266