There are a number of colleges in the area that might have space. In particular, there is always Harvard or MIT, but there is also space at Northeastern University (I have been to a hall here for another event that would definitely work for us if we could get it), Emerson College, Boston University and Tufts University (probably the others as well, but these are the ones I thought would be most convenient to people in Boston) for this type of thing.

Bhushan Deshpande

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 11:40, Samuel Klein <> wrote:
Nicole and other RecentChangesCamp folks have been discussing holding
an RCC in Boston next Spring.  That sounds like fun, and it's been a
long time since we had such an event here (not counting the small
semantic wiki event a couple months back)... but as Nicole points out,
we need a venue suitable for a 2-day ~150 people unconference.

Nicole - are there specific people we should draw in from the Boston
area?   We should look into local facilitators.  All - do you have a
space in mind that you think would make sense?

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Nicole Willson
<> wrote:
< Recent Changes 2011:
> basically everyone wants to have it in Boston so I agreed to find a venue.
> I'm trying to get a team together and have been talking to some wikiHow and
> library school people. I find it interesting that Marc wants us to find a
> venue in two weeks when it took so long to get a venue in Montreal (a
> socialist center and the only place where I've ever seen a needle disposal
> unit in a public bathroom, but good nonetheless). I think it'd be good to
> talk about this at some point, so that all the Boston local organizers are
> on the same page. I can meet on Thursday or Friday evening this week and my
> schedule is pretty open next week. I can also be reached by phone at
> 857-272-0394 (temporary number) or 617-325-2222 (home number).

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