Dear Enterprisey, Samuel, and Alan,

First of all, thank you all so much for proposing regular meetups for Wikimedians in the Boston area! (I happen to be an active English Wikipedian and Wikidatan myself, though the former is my home wiki.) Super sorry that I'm responding a month late, since I've been busy - did you hold any meetups already?

Re location: I am a current MIT student, so I would be much more than happy to host stuff on the MIT campus, as Enterprisey suggests. (As for specific places on the campus, I'd suggest either the Stata Center or the Hayden Library.) There are of course many other possible places but I think it's better to coordinate on one place for the time being.

Re timing: I'm generally free on the weekends (though not on Saturday, September 9), and based on my class schedule, I should be mostly free on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. I return to the MIT campus at the start of September or so, so I'd prefer to meet that month. When are y'all free? (If you want me to propose a specific day, I propose Tuesday, September 12.)

I look forward to meeting all of you in the flesh someday (hopefully soon).



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------- Original Message -------
On Monday, July 31st, 2023 at 11:36 PM, Enterprisey [Dan] <> wrote:

Hi Samuel and Alan,
Thanks for the welcome! I've moved here for work and I'm up here indefinitely, although work may take me further west in Massachusetts in perhaps a year or two. Thanks for your kind words regarding the bots... they've somewhat fallen into disrepair but it's nice that some still work.

For the meetups, I was thinking of the most boring thing possible which is finding some venue at MIT to host these (as I believe they've hosted Wikipedia events in the past, most notably WCNA 2019). I now have an MIT affiliate card but I'm not sure if it'll be much help. I would be happy to reach out and will do so soon (in my copious free time - sarcasm).

Thanks again,

On Sun, Jul 30, 2023 at 11:10 PM Alan Wu <> wrote:
Hi Enterprisey,

Welcome to Boston! What brings you here, and how long do you plan to stay?

I think I have used some of the bots, scripts, or other tools you have developed; if so, I thank you for creating and maintaining them.

We have a constant influx of new people to the region each year, with all the challenges and all the opportunities this entails.

In the past, the many schools, libraries, museums, and other cultural resources of Boston have provided great locations for edit-a-thons and other events.

Your ideas and your organizational help would be much appreciated.


On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 2:21 PM <> wrote:
Howdy all,
I just moved to the area and was interested in attending any regular meetups in the Boston area, if they exist. If they don't currently exist I'd be happy to organize some.
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